
Published: Feb. 29, 2016, midnight

b'Steve Jobs created the format of the show and today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has a fascinating story that isn\\u2019t very often talked about. But fits perfectly into the words of Steve Jobs. It is so common in the world that there should be herds of similar guys connecting with each other and supporting each other, but I\\u2019m not sure that they do. Let\\u2019s tell you how it all began\\u2026\\u2026 \\u201cIn The Beginning: All throughout his early teens he suffered from social anxiety. Going out and doing normal, everyday things such as going to the shopping centre or travelling on a busy train felt like a huge stress. He remembers being around large groups of people feeling really nervous and anxious and just wanting to run away and be alone. But he knew that this was not something that he could just ignore as it really affected his entire life.\\u201d So he started to take action and the manner that he confronted his fears and then built a whole business around it was remarkable. Instead of sitting in his room allowing life to pass him by, he found a mentor who seemed to just make relationships happen like magic. But of course there is no such thing as magic, and little by little he started to realise, especially in regards to talking to women what he was doing wrong. As he says \\u201cI decided that I would no longer hit the nightclubs and would drop all the pickup lines and routines. It was time to return to the streets to find a girlfriend and just work on being myself and allow my conversations to freely flow in whatever direction they would naturally go.\\u201d Gaining confidence in his new found skills he started going out on the streets of London, filming his interactions for fun and posting them on Youtube. He began his journey towards amazing online content creation. Not just his successes, as he also added the process of filming, monitoring, and allowing all the mistakes he was making shown to the world, slowly fine-tuning them for better results. His channel started growing slowly and his video content caused stirrings within the London dating world as many believed that being \\u2018a natural\\u2019 was not the way to go. Be he had found the type of dating advice that works so ignoring this, he stayed strong and continued to push his beliefs which eventually led to inspiring a large platform of guys to take action. So how has he taken this momentum and built a business around it? And is this something that has truly tapped into who he is, or is that nervous anxious individual still lurking under the surface? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only UK dating entrepreneur Johnny Berba.'