Dane Maxwell The Foundation To Freedom

Published: June 12, 2020, 6:50 a.m.

b'Introducing Dane Maxwell Dane Maxwell is our guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the Co-Founder of The Foundation along with Andy Drish, owner of a multi-million dollar SaaS business, and has started 16 businesses in his career. As he says "I\\u2019ve been an entrepreneur for over 10 years. I\\u2019m the Founder of The Foundation, a six month program designed to teach entrepreneurs how to build a profitable SaaS business, and currently own a multi-million dollar\\xa0SaaS business\\xa0as well as\\xa0two smaller SaaS products\\xa0where I do what I teach. If you dont know what that type of business is it means "Software as a service (SaaS)" Its a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. ... For example, a business\\xa0can write its own software tools and use the\\xa0SaaS\\xa0provider\'s APIs to integrate those tools with the\\xa0SaaS\\xa0offering. Our guest goes onto say "I found building a business around a painful problem to be extremely lucrative and encouraged anyone who wants financial freedom to learn the process. I taught not to follow your passion, but to follow the pain, and become passionate about the process of problem solving.\\xa0 His new book Start from Zero\\xa0encourages the reader to embark on the 7 learning adventures to create a business from scratch. How The Dots Joined Up For Dane This book includes research on \\u201cwho\\u201d is most likely to be successful in entrepreneurship across 26 different personality factors. Would you like to join the special few who don\\u2019t exchange time for money? The special few who have products and businesses paying for their dream life? No hype. No BS. No fluff. This is a comprehensive book full of examples to draw from.\\xa0 Start From Zero\\xa0gives you the repeatable path to create a meaningful and profitable business without being dependent on any person, any platform, or anything. So is the idea more important than the actual implementation of that idea? And why are so many people focused on finding the passion, when pain works time and time again. Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Dane Maxwell Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Dane Maxwell such as: Dane shares the importance of setting his values and then living his life based around these values. Dane shares how building up the expertise and authority first is not necessarily the right way of doing things.\\xa0 Why its so important to not sell your product but to sell the solution to their problem time and time again. And lastly........... Mr Maxwell shares his goals based book reading, whereby he looks for the answers on something that he needs to know, even if he doesn\'t read the whole book.'