Customer Profiling

Published: Dec. 11, 2020, midnight

b'Zuzana Dobro is today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs\\xa0inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is a lady who really has travelled the world, experiencing not just culture but I imagine terrible weather, and returned with a plan As she says "I am Slovakian, born in the former Czechoslovakia. As a kid, I was told I\\u2019d never be able to leave my country and see the world or have the freedom to be whoever I wanted to be. After the Iron Curtain came down, I moved to England, speaking very little English with only \\xa3200 in my pocket. I gradually made my way through working in the creative industry and got an offer to join a big corporation. I had my \\u201cdream job\\u201d as an interaction and UX designer, but still, something felt odd... I had this unstoppable desire to fulfil my childhood dream to travel around the world, so I quit the \\u201csecurity\\u201d, travelled solo for 2 years, and even backpacked to Antarctica. How The Dots Joined Up For Zuzana After my trip, I merged my passion for adventure travel and human evolution with my design and creative problem-solving Expertise, and I embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship. I\'ve created The WHO Method to help entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, experts and agencies to get to know their customers deeply and to avoid the pitfalls of attracting the wrong people. As she goes on to say "Many Entrepreneurs struggle in their business until they discover how crucial it is to have crystal-clear audience targeting, which means to run a company that is aligned with a dream customer. Another missing part is understanding that the wants and desires of your customers will change because people\'s values shift. So how do people use THE WHO method to maximise marketing and customer attraction? And does she still find that no matter how well she gets to know her own customer she is still surprised\\xa0 Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Zuzana Dobro Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Zuzana Dobro such as: How the ability to learn different languages has really helped her to understand peoples mentality and desires across the world. When you launch a product to market to your customer, you have to start with your "Who" first and foremost. Why you have to be careful about trying to create perfection in your business at the beginning...just get something out there. And lastly\\u2026.. Zuzana shares the internal truth of her life and the simplicity of it is so astonishing to everyone....or it should be!'