
Published: Dec. 4, 2017, midnight

b'Creativity comes in many forms.\\xa0 And in todays episode our guest shows how he has blended several creative areas into one rocking a rolling business. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an interesting guy for sure. They call him the LINGO guy (which will make more sense shortly) and has been the go-to portrait photographer for an exclusive clientele for 30+ years. His portraits have appeared on The Oprah Show, CBS News, in \\u201cO\\u201d Magazine, People Magazine and New York Family Magazine. Now if you think this is a guy who just takes amazing snaps then think again as he says \\u201cWhile the three career roles I play as photographer, speaker, and coach may seem diverse, they actually have one thing in common. It is the essence of being a witness. The sparkle coming alive in a child\\u2019s eyes, a small business owner making a shift in their way of thinking or an entire audience being inspired. I am motivated by the role I play in bringing that response forward and grateful for being a part of someone else\\u2019s aliveness.\\u201d Which means that through his trained eyes, he uses his honed intuition to see and sense, helping to businesses stand out, attract their ideal customers, and create brand loyalty that supersedes price. Which is fascinating to us at Join Up Dots, as with an ever increasing crowd battling it out online, how do you get your creativity, vision and passion to shine out and attract customer like magic? Well through his book, LINGO: He teaches us all to \\u201cDiscover Your Ideal Customer\\u2019s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible\\u201d Powerful stuff and the kind of content I dont think we have had on Join Up Dots before. He is also the host of the popular business podcast Creative Warriors and a featured speaker on The Moth, and with a social media audience of more than 100,000 seems to be what the world is looking for. So what made him get our his camera and start taking photos in the first place? And when did he realise that it wasnt just an image that he was creating, but someones future every time the shutter clicked? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Jeffrey Shaw Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jeffrey Shaw such as: Why Jeffrey has learnt that stepping into your greatness doesnt always translate across the world, and how he meanders around it to ensure his clients grow bigger than they could hope for. Jeffrey shares how he knew as a youngster that he was very different from his father and his brothers, and can now see how it placed him where he is today. Why so many people need to make space in their lives to allow themselves to provide the value to their clients. Although they need to be shown that its possible. and lastly\\u2026. Jeffrey shares a brilliant image for life\\u2026\\u2026life is like a game of twister. It doesnt matter if you can\\u2019t find the next dot to place your hand, someone will fall and your space will become visible.'