Creating A Joyful Life: The Lessons I Learned From Yoga And My Mom With Jennifer Williams-Fields

Published: March 4, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the top rated Join Up Dots podcast interview is\\xa0a lady entrepreneur who has a brilliantly chaotic story, which in many ways mirror so many of\\xa0our lives. Things being thrown at us left right and centre, with many\\xa0of these things not being the kind of things that anyone would have chosen, but in todays guest has helped her move forward to online success. As she says \\u201cWhen Katrina hit, I was a mom of 6 kids under 10, in a dysfunctional, chaotic marriage \\u2014 my husband is an alcoholic and wasn\\u2019t admitting that or dealing with it. Because I had lived down in that area for a long while and had been evacuated before (when it wasn\\u2019t necessary)\\xa0 I opted to ride out the storm, until I was forced at the last minute, to leave. My husband was out of town at the time, so I and the kids literally left the house with only the clothes on our backs and a sack of dirty laundry I grabbed at the last minute.\\xa0 No papers, birth certificates, SSN, toys, school books, NOTHING. From that disaster, I slowly began to rebuild my life, discovering peace through yoga. As I began to rebuild my self esteem I ended up getting certified, and am now a yogi. I dissolved my marriage when my husband refused to get help for his alcoholism, and I and the children are now living in a small West Tennessee town, happy and peaceful.\\u201d Which is a life that could have derailed her, and had her playing the victim card. Blaming her husband, her situation, or her kids for the life that she was living. But she didn\\u2019t, and instead of playing the victim, she set out on a path of pure motivation, where she made choice after choice, decision after decision to change her future. She did the tough stuff, the rough stuff, and the things that probably she wouldn\\u2019t have believed that she could have done. She is now\\xa0passionate about writing, yoga, travelling, public speaking and being a fabulous single mum\\xa0to six super kids. She has found the motivation to build a career around\\xa0appearing on TV, on podcasts, and radio, and producing great content, showing the world how to be fabulous. Her life is a sort of organized chaos, and she loves every minute of the craziness and is grateful for all she\\u2019s learned along the way. So when did she make the decision to start making decisions and taking responsibility for her future and happiness? Creating the success in her life that she deserves. And is it something that she only managed, because she was used to dealing with hardship and obstacles? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Jennifer Williams-Fields.'