Creating A Detailed Avatar

Published: July 27, 2020, midnight

b"Creating An Avatar Creating an avatar is the subject that we are going to discuss in today's Join Up Dots episode. This is something that is vitally important when we start a business as it saves us so much time trying to discover where our marketing budget has gone wrong. Now, the how to create an avatar information has been requested by a lovely lady who\\xa0 dropped us a line after starting to get an idea for a business forming in her mind. \\xa0 Please Tell Me How To Create An Avatar Customer Dear David, as a long term listener who has listened to most of your shows, this is the first time i have ever dared drop you a line. I think i am starting\\xa0to get an idea for a business that I could start, but I can't\\xa0create the customer avatar. You and other business coaches advise that we need to create this to start knowing their problems and begin marketing. Could you advise as to how you do this, as Im not sure you have ever gone into detail on this before. Thanks for your help and your passion and enthusiasm Meeta Picante. Costa Rica"