Creating A Business Around Virtual Staff

Published: April 12, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0with a lady who is on a mission to help the worlds entrepreneurs own their own\\xa0successful business that can someday be run without the\\xa0business owner pulling all the strings. Along with her team she will push her clients towards the first step\\xa0in the direction of business freedom, time abundance and the ability to ultimately sell a business at a profit. Sound betcha. But how has she developed herself to a position where she is rightly called the \\u201cSwiss Army Knife\\u201d for Business because of her\\xa0knowledge of tools, automation and needs of the small business owner. Her\\xa0ability to create the perfect solution to any challenge in the most cost\\xa0effective way for the small business owner that is struggling with the business\\xa0behind the business. Well she\\xa0earned a Bachelor\'s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations\\xa0with an emphasis in Marketing and Event Planning from Grand Valley State University in 3 years, but it was when she struggled with the waste she experienced at the corporate level in\\xa0large companies that the first steps to where she is today became to be realized. And due to the fact that most people only understand what they know,and unfortunately 80% of\\xa0running a successful small business is NOT their trade knowledge, it seems as if she has a never ending conveyor belt lining up to work with her. So what is the hardest part\\xa0of growing a service based company like her own? And does she look back at her history and think "Man if only I knew what I know now then we would have been rocking in record time!" Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Brook Borup. \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Brook Borup such as: Why she is so focused on building a team around her that will free her even more from her business, to tackle the things that fall within her own personal super talent. Why Brook believes that it is so important to spend as much money as you can possibly on hiring a VA. If you go cheap, you get cheap results. Why a great way to start a business is to simply look around at the people you already know, and ask them "How can I help you?" and lastly\\u2026. Brooke reveals her worst client ever....and you will be surprised to know\\xa0exactly who she said.....i was for sure :)'