Consumer Buyer Theory

Published: Oct. 16, 2020, midnight

b"Consumer behaviour theory is one of those things that puzzle so many people working online today. What makes a customer buy from you, or order your services with the minimum of effort ? Well in todays podcast we break down consumer behaviour theory into it's simplest form. Best of all, you already are an expert on this, as we all do exactly the same things. We are all consumers and spend our days searching, buying, checking reviews and making a decision before clicking the buy button. But i guess like all things, when it's stuff that we naturally do then consumer behaviour theory is a hidden secret to us. It's too close for us to see. No more, my friends. This is a very deep subject, too deep for this first dive into the subject, so let's keep to the key elements. Just understand these will maximise your chance of making a great living online."