Confessions Of A Female Entrepreneur Direct Response Marketing Expert With Alyson Lex

Published: March 2, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the top rated Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview is a lady who is a complete rockstar. Not in the get up on stage and grind it like Tina Turner type of rockstar or perhaps she does that in her spare-time. But the kind of rockstar that can make your marketing, jump out of the page, like Mick Jagger on speed. As she says \\u201cI can take you from \\u201cI don\\u2019t know\\u201d or \\u201cThis doesn\\u2019t work\\u201d or even \\u201cI\\u2019m not having any FUN with this!\\u201d to \\u201cMy Marketing ROCKS!\\u201d Which is of course a very confident statement to make, and one that works on every level. So who is she? She is the former Marketing Manager for Glazer-Kennedy Insider\\u2019s Circle \\u2013 whose first sales-letter generated nearly $9,000.00 in less than 3 days to a list barely over 200 people. Her copy and marketing strategy contributed to a campaign that generated over $1 MILLION at an international event attended by more than 1,000 people. And that is the kind of online content that anyone would want to know about. As she says \\u201cWhen I began working for Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer in 2007, a whole new world was opened up to me in terms of marketing. I\\u2019d always paid attention to advertising, and I always had a strange addiction to infomercials, but I never could have imagined that my life would begin revolving around all things marketing, all the time. I studied Psychology, English and Creative Writing in college \\u2013 never once suspecting that perhaps I was setting myself up for a career in marketing. I always just loved the English language and the way words could be used to accomplish so many things\\u2026 and in my Psychology classes, I was learning what made people tick. Now I have the great pleasure of taking the things that I love and doing them for money! I am very content to figure out new ways to make people buy things and it\\u2019s quite rewarding to know that my words helped someone increase their bottom line and benefit their bank accounts. I really do have the best job in the world.\\u201d So what is the difference between creative writing, and great marketing copy? And does she see that this was something she learnt, or was always in here in some degree? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only copywriting entrepreneur Alyson Lex.'