Clifton Strengths Finder

Published: March 15, 2021, midnight

b'Lisa Cummings is the Clifton Strengths Finder Strength Coach, who 100% believes that it\'s a lot better to become great at what you are good at and leave behind the poor stuff. She has built an amazing coaching business all around the work done by Gallup as we discovered the last time she appeared on the show back on episode 510 . As she says "I sometimes call myself the Chief Strengths Sleuth because I spend my days uncovering hidden talents on your teams. Remember that song "It\'s Your Thing" by the Isley Brothers? I use those lyrics like a spotlight glass to amplify people\'s differentiators. It\'s how I help you and your team figure out "your thang" so you can be more productive at work. Starting her career as a Sales Executive for Business To Business back in 1998, it appears that the path best trodden for her actually started when moving into staff development. Like myself she has spent most of her working life, building the strengths of individuals in corporations to make better, higher functioning teams. Getting people to feel inspired by the working day instead of dreading that ringing sound by the side of the bed. How The Dots Joined Up For Lisa But what interests me is what personally was driving her back in the day. As with a career strewn with employment lasting a couple of years at each time, it is clear to me that her ambition, was equally matched with a desire to find her thing too. And now as a podcaster herself, or as she calls herself the\\xa0Chief Strengths Sleuth: Host of the \\u201cLead Through Strengths\\u201d\\u200b Podcast: she helps people find and leverage their strengths at work. Complimenting her workshops, keynote speaking and by performing a role of\\xa0StrengthsFinder Performance Coach, which as you know is a publication that I have recommended many times on the show she is busier than ever.. So what is it about keynote strengths that lit her up inside and made her want to build a business around it? And with all the issues that the world has seen in the last year, has she found more personal strengths that she didn\'t have. So lets bring her onto the show to start joining up even more dots with the one and only Lisa Cummings Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Lisa Cummings such as: How Lisa and I both share how we both went through the dark times of entrepreneurship and the steps we took to climb back into the light. Why you should only do the things that fill you up with energy and not depletes you. and lastly...... Why your strengths can be so powerful in every area, but can also be used for evil and work against you if you are not careful.'