Clay Hebert: The Crowdfunding Expert Drops By To Share His Wisdom Of Online Dream Making Across Globe

Published: July 5, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest is a man that is a true online mover and shaker. In fact he probably put the move into Mover, and shaked the shake until he got more than most people would have done, because wow he is doing some great things in the online world. He is an an entrepreneur, a marketer, and a graduate of Seth Godin's unique MBA program. As one of the world's leading crowdfunding experts, he has helped over 50 entrepreneurs raise over $5 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. He is a popular public speaker, engaging audiences around the globe on innovation, creativity, marketing, entrepreneurship and the future of work. But was it an easy path to his current successes? Did he have doubts and fears that followed him along the way, the kind of fears that stop so many people in their tracks? Well we will find out, as even with all the knowledge that he has gained he still found that some companies were not willing to entertain new and innovate ways of thinking. They were stuck in the dark ages, and unable to move into a bright new and prosperous world. So how did he battle that limited thinking? How did he express his contrasting views of how things should be done? Well he did what all good entrepreneurs would do,\\xa0and went solo, working for companies in an advisory position. But then whilst on vacation in 2012,\\xa0a friend of a former client phoned to say they needed help, and to me this one phone call signified the moment that he had found his true path in life. She had run a Kickstarter project to raise $20K to finish a documentary film and it was struggling and not going to get funded. With his knowledge of online marketing, they got the project seen by the right people and saved it. It went from 20% funded with 10 days to go to 113% funded before it closed. A lightbulb went on and our guest realized that the same marketing skills he was using to help Fortune 500 companies could be used to help entrepreneurs actually fund their dreams and change the world. And the rest as they say is history. So lets get chatting, and joining up some dots, with the one and only Clay Hebert"