Chasing Success

Published: Nov. 7, 2016, midnight

b'Todays show was inspired by a conversation with a listener of Join Up Dots who has become a great friend in a very short time. Mr Neil Hughes from the Tech Blog Writer Podcast connected with David Ralph and shared the side hustle he was working on which has gone from strength to strength. He is known across the world as the go to expert in everything startup and technology, and brings a podcast to the ears of his listeners who are fascinated by this subject every week. He has a business that when he finally quits his corporate gig, is waiting for him. And why has he gone off like a rocket and found his audience so quickly? Well right from the beginning he has cleverly defined himself. He has allowed himself to be 100% clear with what he is interested in, and what he can bring to the table. The world will respond more to your interests than they will the individual skills. They will be able to see the passions that you can deliver which will bring about the biggest results for themselves. And that is what makes a business fly. Not money, but results. And that is how success is built!'