Career Path

Published: Nov. 27, 2017, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who like most of us start on a career path that was right for our parents, but not necessarily ourselves. To be honest it probably wasnt even right for our parents, which makes it doubly mad that we passively follow suit First, she followed the engineering path of her father and older brother, then stepped onto her mother\\u2019s career path in accounting. \\u201cI was\\xa0just showing up.\\xa0I was physically there,\\xa0but I wasn\\u2019t bringing a whole lot to the table.\\xa0\\xa0I knew it wasn\\u2019t the right path for me, but I\\xa0struggled for a couple of years.\\u201d And struggling is what its all about when we arent doing the thing that is right for us. But how do we break free from the struggle and start lighting up the passions of a life which may actually have no idea that we want? Well while still working as an accountant, our guest volunteered for a crisis and suicide hotline and as she say. \\u201cThat was a real breakthrough for me. It gave me an opportunity to be in\\xa0the kind of\\xa0helping role\\xa0I had thought I would like. I received amazing training there.\\xa0I got experience actually helping people.\\xa0I got validation and learned for the first time\\xa0that I was really good at it.\\xa0I was quickly promoted to be a trainer within that organization.\\u201d And that is how it starts people. You try lots of things. Some work, some don't. But when other start seeing your talents and saying great things, then perhaps that is where your attention should go. You may not see it at the time, but being told nice things about your performance is a great indicator that you have talents that can be used for a business. And now our guest, is an author of Career Grease: How to Get Unstuck and Pivot Your Career, and an expert career coach who has guided hundreds of people to innovative and functional career solutions. She is a practical advocate for achieving your heart\\u2019s desires, improving your workweek, and making a difference, all while keeping an eye on your financial success. So why does she think that now she has found her thing, it took her several missteps to find it? And is there a real path for everyone, or are someone people never going to find it as it simply doesn't exist for some? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Alison Cardy Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Alison Cardy such as: Alison shares how she struggled with marketing her business, which held her back from truly expanding in the direction she wanted before realising her mistake. Alison shares how we can all pivot in our careers, and believes that the first step is to find a champion that can support you moving forward. How the world cannot believe that they can do what they want in life, and they can actually make it happen too. Total mindset shift. and lastly\\u2026. Alison shares how she spent many years living in her head, unhappy, depressed, not uncommon to many of the people who now uses her services."