Can You Be Happy And Still Serious?

Published: March 1, 2019, midnight

b'On today\\u2019s show, David Ralph talks openly as to his struggle with the world of happy people doing what they want, apposed to the deeply furrowed brow crew that much of the world shows.You see it has always been a juxtaposition with his belief that just because someone is looking like they are having fun in their lives, it doesn\\u2019t mean that they aren\\u2019t serious about their life.Serious about having fun\\u2026is that possible?Can you work in an environment where you are 100% authentic to yourself and still be taken as a serious businessman?The reason that I ask that is just this week, I met an old colleague who after listening to the Join Up Dots podcast was very open with giving me advice.The advice was quite simply that I should be presenting a more polished and authoritarian performance to the world.He felt that because I was happily bouncing along having the greatest time in my life whilst being 100% me, i wasn\\u2019t able to provide what the world needed.However, that viewpoint is a crock from start to finish. That viewpoint is one full of limitation instead of abundance.Why cant you be happy and still be serious? Why cant you laugh and also deliver what the world is wanting?Well in today\\u2019s episode we expand on this, and as always we look forward to receiving your comments about the show.Who knows you can then be part of a future episode of Join Up Dots.'