BUSINESS: Unicorn Chasing vs. Local Heroes: Unleashing Business Magic in Your Community

Published: Nov. 13, 2023, midnight

b"Unicorn Chasing vs. Local Heroes: Unleashing Business Magic in Your Community The 80% Rule: Did you know that over 80% of successful startups don't reinvent the wheel? They simply find ways to make it spin better. They cater to their community's needs and create value where it's needed most. Room for Everyone: Business isn't a competition for a single throne. More players lead to more innovation and a healthier marketplace. There's room for everyone with a great idea, so let's embrace the power of community. Local Heroes: What sets local business owners apart is their unwavering belief in their vision. They take massive risks, invest their hearts and souls, and drive our communities forward. They are the unsung heroes of the business world. In conclusion, unicorns may be the headline-grabbers, but local businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. Success doesn't always require reinventing the wheel or chasing billion-dollar valuations. The real magic lies in our thriving, vibrant local businesses that keep our communities running. Join us in celebrating #LocalHeroes and let's create a movement that inspires change and fuels community success. \\U0001f680"