Business Success With Brent Freeman

Published: May 2, 2022, midnight

b'Business Success With Brent Freeman Brent Freeman is the Founder & President of Stealth Venture Labs and a serial entrepreneur who\\u2019s passionate about using business to generate both profits & social impact. As he says \\u201cMy journey in business began earlier than most. While pursuing my undergraduate degree at the University of Southern California, I launched a commodities trading firm focused on generating as much money as quickly as possible. With offices in Dubai and Los Angeles, I chased the money with fervor. Once I reached a place of success, I realized that success can be meaningless without a purpose. I felt no happier than before, and this realization changed my worldview for good.\\u201d Reinvigorated by my personal discovery, I made a conscious choice to build and advise for-profit businesses to create true social impact in the world.'