Business Podcast

Published: April 19, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired business podcast Join Up Dots is a man whose official bio states as an "international business transformation expert who specializes in turning around manufacturing, technology and service business\'s. His ability to consistently and quickly drive triple-digit growth is the result of his unique leadership style, breadth of experience and expertise in Lean Manufacturing methodologies." Sounds great, but of course on Join Up Dots we want to know more about how he got himself into this position. Where did he poistion himself straight from school to start the journey to where he is today. And this is an interesting one, as unlike most people who appear on the show, he hasn\'t jumped from role to role building up experience for many different companies and employers. Instead our guest today has been with the same company for over 21 years. Since 1996 he has been a professional interim manager normally acting in the role of Ops Director or MD for the Business Turnaround Group. where he goes into manufacturing/technology & service businesses that are under performing and turns them around. And now his has joined with Norwegian Serial Entrepreneur Erlend Bakke to bring to the world his new book 90 days to profit, which brings about all his learning\'s that have worked wonders for companies across the world. So with a degree in Industrial Relations and Marketing following from a diploma in Production Engineering, was this a path that he always envisaged himself being on? And what would be the key thing that someone could to today to make their business start going in the right direction? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Steve Shoulder Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with such as: Why Steve spends so much of his time dealing with people in business who are unwilling to change, and what he does to overcome the objections. How Steve found his latest business partner, and the steps he took to make sure that it was a rewarding partnership that works Why Steve created the content for his new book to be as entertaining as it is educational, and why he thinks that this is the way that learning should always be. and lastly\\u2026. We bring to the world the amazing story of why a group of Northern Englishman felt the need to hang a monkey after believing that he was a french spy....yes seriously.'