Business Marketing

Published: Jan. 29, 2018, midnight

b'Business Marketing Expert Ken Tucker Reveals Why Going Local Can Be A Goldmine My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is a master at taking a clients business and growing it beyond anything they could do on their own. He is the founder of Changescape Web, which focuses on integrated small business marketing solutions in the St. Louis and St. Charles metro area. This includes Online Marketing Solutions: WordPress Websites, HubSpot Internet Marketing Software, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing Management & Training, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Online Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing, Landing Page Creation, Social Media Contests and Promotions, Event Based Marketing, Local Search, Content Marketing. Now what is interesting is how they do this of course, but also how they support the growth of both their clients and their own personal growth through several extremely strong values that they stick to. 1) Helping our clients become wildly successful. 2) Building strong, lasting relationships with our clients. 3) Ongoing commitment to both professional and personal growth and development. 4) Supporting our communities and causes that we care about, both locally and globally. and 5) Having fun! As they say It\\u2019s become something of a cliche to say that people should love what they do, but at Changescape, we really do! Every day presents new challenges and opportunities to meet them. It\\u2019s a lot of fun (and very rewarding) to discuss a problem one of our clients is facing, and then developing and implementing a campaign to solve it. Our passion for our work motivates us every day. So what is it about the local community that inspires him greatly, instead of hitting every corner of the world like so many of the entrepreneurs that appear on Join Up Dots? And where did he start first? Creating a blueprint from himself that worked, or learning it as he went by building the business as the testing ground for everything? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ken Tucker. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ken Tucker such as: Why becoming unemployable in your own business is more often than not the correct stance to take for huge success. How most people do not niche down deep another in their business to truly understand what and who they are offering services too. Connecting with you local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start understanding how local business operate, and of course connect with the right kind of people that can help your business. and lastly\\u2026. Ken shares how the big growth of his business have occured when he has separated himself from it fully to breathe, think and review without disturbance.'