Business Lessons

Published: Jan. 22, 2018, midnight

b"Heather Dominick's Business Lessons Lead To Business Miracles Everyday and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the\\xa0founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur\\xae movement. Her\\xa0teachings demonstrate how highly sensitive traits when used as Strengths, rather than Shadows, can\\xa0create effective entrepreneurial financial success. Her deep wisdom reaches over 100,000 Highly\\xa0Sensitive Entrepreneurs around the globe via her website and various\\xa0social media channels. An exceptional facilitator and teacher, Heather is known for creating a safe, sacred community for true\\xa0transformation whether she is teaching a Business Miracles\\xae Class, delivering training online or\\xa0in-person or mentoring her Business Miracles Members in her various Mentoring Programs. She has helped thousands of HSE\\xaes release lifelong limiting beliefs, overcome fears and learn how to\\xa0build their business in a way that actually feels so good they can't help but create solid, sustainable,\\xa0high level financial success. Now that sounds uber impressive, as if this person was born to be an entrepreneur rocking it online today...but that is not the case. Back in the late 90's and early 20's your would have found her teaching drama instead at the New York department for Education. Her path was heading her in a totally different direction So when did she decide that business, and teaching entrepreneur around the world how to achieve Business Miracles? And is she glad that she became a teacher first, or instead would she have prefered to jump straight into her life today? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Heather Dominick Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Heather Dominick such as: Heather shares her belief that none of us should do everything ourselves in a business if we truly want to scale a business. Be willing to outsource as soon as possible.\\xa0 We discuss why the world makes us work from nine to five based around the eight hour day\\xa0 Heather talks about why people have to see themselves differently to gain the true success.\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. Heather shares the two primary coping characteristics - The Pusher or the Hider. If you arent sure what these are then you will have to listen"