BUSINESS INTERVIEW: How To Turn Art Into A Six Figure Business

Published: July 10, 2023, 2:30 p.m.

b'BUSINESS INTERVIEW: How To Turn Art Into A Six Figure Business Jason Matias is todays guests joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast today. Jason\\xa0Matias is a photographer whose art career should be an\\xa0 inspiration to anyone in the Join Up Dots audience who believes that to be a true artist you have to fall into the \\u201cstarving artist\\u201d stereotype. By changing the way he approached his passion Jason\\xa0was able to create a career from something he loved. Jason\\xa0runs a fine art business, which has supported him by generating over $100K in sales a year for the past 10 years (including 2020). His work has taken him all over the globe, from the United States to Abu-Dhabi to Indonesia, and has been published in National Geographic. How The Dots Joined Up For Jason While\\xa0Jason\\u2019s financial success is aspirational, it\\u2019s his story that is the true inspiration for anyone wondering if they can make a living selling through their passions. Jason\\xa0does not come from a wealthy family, who gave him a leg up in the art world. He was born into a military family and went into the family business by enlisting in the Air Force right out of high school. When\\xa0Jason\\xa0came out of the military 6 years later, he was terrified of becoming another homeless vet. While he tried some other conventional jobs, he couldn\\u2019t shake his calling as an artist. Constantly obsessed with finding the light,\\xa0Jason\\xa0decided to put all his efforts into making a fine art career work. So what was it that kept on pulling him back into a world that screams from the outside you can love your work, but dont expect to earn from it? And where was his biggest jump forward to where he is today?'