Published: May 1, 2014, 7 a.m.

b'My guest today enjoying the Join Up Dots Steve Jobs inspired interview, is a man who many might say simply ducked out of his responsibilities and walked away from everything that was making him unhappy. I would never say that. A trained engineer Adam, decided that happiness was the most important state of all, and one that he could quite simply engineer by focusing solely on the things that he knew would make him happy. He wanted a life that was full of freeom, motivation and inspiring the world to be happy. Incorporating Volunteering, Learning, Teaching, Storytelling and Empowerment he has created a life that is nothing short of inspirational. As his website The Happiness Plunge states \\u201cHe has been Happy and homeless for 918 days\\u201d Being happy day after day sounds like a pretty good way to be to me. So do you have the desire for freedom in your own life? Would you like the abiity create a lifestyle on your own terms? Well this is the interview for you and therefore\\xa0I would like to welcome to the show, as we start to Join Up Dots, the Happy Nomad himself Adam Pervez. Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy'