BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Beating The Fear With Leisa Peterson

Published: Feb. 5, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

b'Beating The Fear With Leisa Peterson Leisa Peterson is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. She is a great friend of the show and has an amazing story that has powerful situations, dots and challenges that have led to where she is today. You see she has had three stages of success from working\\xa0\\xa022+ years n the world of finance, pouring herself into earning a high salary, collecting great bonuses and moving up the ladder. Then becoming a millionaire and continuing to work towards more and more like her life depends on it. Then after facing a major life crisis followed by several tragedies, she moved towards answering the question of could she ever have both inner fulfilment and outer wealth.\\u201d As she says "True freedom comes as a result of improving how you feel about yourself. Many people lose out on money, time and opportunity every day because they don\\u2019t understand how to shift the inner narrative that impacts their their peace of mind. \\xa0Which became the focus and direction of her successful coaching business, she sold her long time home, moved to Hawaii got bored, came back to Arizona and started something new. So with all this movement and action taking, how does she know that she is now travelling the right course in her life? And does she get excited by the road she is travelling all the time, or are there still \\u201cWow, I am so unsure of this\\u201d moments, lets just sit on the sofa and do nothing today times? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Leisa Peterson'