Building A Layered Company

Published: July 19, 2021, midnight

b'Ryan Kugler is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast As he says "I am a small business owner, in fact I own three separate businesses and juggle them all at a \\u201clayered\\u201d company (all of my employees work all three companies at the same time). My first business (A5 Events) is a an event producer focused on helping non-profit organizations with their fundraisers (charity runs and walks). My second business is marketing company (Ideal Content), where we focus on making high end marketing material for our clients (video brochures\\u2026a physical brochures that plays a video upon opening-cool) and lastly, my third company is a secondary wholesaler, called Plan B. We help manufacturers and retailers move their inventory when their sales drop! But thats just one side of him as without doubt he is someone with hustle, and the balls to make things happen. Ryan was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to Los Angeles shortly thereafter.'