Bucket List

Published: May 9, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is what I would call a freedom entrepreneur who has packed more into his last few years, than many people do in a lifetime. And I guess unlike many people who want to make their mark on the world, he started at such a low point that these achievements would have probably seemed impossible to others. But not to him. Diagnosed as clinically depressed, overweight, with limited motivation, he knew he had to do something and do something fast. And so he found the motivation to ask himself some deep questions,such as "Why Am I Here?" and then started taking action. When you start achieving things in your life, you create a momentum that is unstoppable, and leads you to greater and greater belief that everything is possible\\u2026..an inspirational turnaround to where he was at the beginning.His professional life began flourishing, his personal life improved, and after creating his own company, publishing his first bestseller \\u201cSEO Secrets\\u201d, presenting to crowds of interested folk who flocked to hear his message, he knew it was time to reevaluate once more.He increased his focus on self development and happiness, and created his first \\u201cLife List\\u201d which quite simply he states \\u201cWas the best decision he ever made!\\u201dSetting himself a target to achieve 150 things by May 25th 2017, he set off on an adventure which is nothing short of inspiring.He lost 60 pounds, ran a marathon, sold/donated all his possessions until only owning less than 100 things, paid off all of his debts, became much more spiritual, visited all 7 continents, reconnected with friends and family and became happier than he had ever been before.And with items such as flying a plan, being on a chat show, seeing Mt Everest, getting a six pack, and living in the wilderness for a month, being just a few items on the list you can see it is a stretch of belief, as much as perseverance.So lets introduce todays guest, and well see if being a guest on \\u201cJoin Up Dots\\u201d was on his list too\\u2026.I\\u2019ll be disappointed if it wasn\\u2019t. Welcome to the show Mr Life List himself the amazing freedom expert or lifestyle entreprenuer Danny Dover.'