Bringing Fitness Into A Busy Life (FITNESS)

Published: Feb. 8, 2019, midnight

b'Today\'s guest joining us on the show\\xa0is a guy who I first stumbled across on YouTube, and if you have heard my recent cold showers challenge then this is the guy who inspired me to take the freezing plunge. So inspired by what he is doing from his home in the UK, I\\xa0just had to invite him onto Join Up Dots to find out how he finds the time and the passion day after day. As he says "As well as being a full time geek, I have a passion for all things health and fitness. My experience and interests gives me a unique insight into the projects I work on. " He is cranking out the YouTube videos, releasing podcasts, blog posts, and showing us all how we can be the best versions of ourselves in a less than preachy message. That is normally enough for most people nowadays, but our guest isn\'t like most people as he also runs\\xa0Falkon digital, which is a boutique Digital Agency, creating websites and helping clients grow their businesses online since 2009. This is a family run business, based in Altrincham,\\u2019up North\\u2019, in the leafy suburbs of Cheshire, a mere stone\\u2019s throw away from Manchester city centre and the airport, and they are ideally placed to work with companies locally, nationally and internationally. As they say "Our company ethos is to work\\xa0with\\xa0you, as an extension of your team, to work towards your business goals using our own expertise in design, development and digital marketing." So alongside looking after his wife and two kids, is this normal activity in his opinion or is he demonstrating a superpower of productivity and mindset that mere mortals cannot reach. And when did this all start? Was he the classic couch potato that had a life changing epiphany or always supremely fit and focused. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Luke Sherran Show Highlights During the discussion with the Luke Sherran we hit such deep subjects such as:\\xa0 We share how so many people miss out on the intensity of pushing through the pain barrier to gain the true gold that is waiting for them. Luke shares the reasons why his first business failed due to naivety in his business decision making. We talk about how we can re engineer the algorithms on YouTube to gain massive success in this exciting media format. and lastly................ Luke join up his dots and can clearly see that for every success he has made in his life, the seeds were planted many many years before.'