Break The Rules

Published: Nov. 3, 2017, midnight

b'Break The Rules To Make Success In Your Life - Fast! Today\'s episode of Join Up Dots, has been inspired by a lovely lady named Amy O\'Brien. Amy connected with us via Facebook after seeing a video that was posted by David Ralph the host of Join Up Dots. Amy, mentioned that she was desperate to leave her life in finance and would like nothing more than to create a life coach business but is struggling to overcome the mental roadblock of getting the business off the ground. She feels that she needs qualifications She needs a track record of success. She thinks she needs everything to be lined up ready to rock. But of course as we see everyday on Join Up Dots, and this is the whole theme of the show, you make it up as you go along. You start your business and build the experience as you go. Nothing and I mean nothing can replace experience. So in this episode of Join Up Dots, we not only answer this problem, but we also tackle another quite unusual question posed by a listener in Australia. "Good morning David and everybody at join up dots. Thank you so much for creating the amazing Join Up Dots and all the episodes. The guests that you have on are quite simply, eclectic, inspiring and motivational. What I love about Join Up Dots is even though the guest may have been on other podcasts, the information you draw out of them is the kind of stuff that I want to hear. So a question for you if you would be kind enough to answer it David on one of these shows? I started an online business at about the same time I guess that you started Join Up Dots, selling surfing equipment and diving apparatus. The business has grown to$ 250000 turnover per year and has left me with a lifestyle that I could only dream about. My question to you is after all the hustle, after all the struggle I\'ve now found the dreamlife a bit flat. I thought being retired at age 36 would be the dream but now I\'m wondering what to do with myself. Of course I could start another business but I feel that I would just be in the same position again do you have any suggestions Thank you Sam Logan Gold Coast Australia.'