
Published: June 25, 2018, midnight

b'Branding Expert Pia Silva Reveals The Big Mistakes Of Branding Your Biz My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an Entrepreneur, speaker and\\xa0writer, and also a partner\\xa0and brand strategist at\\xa0Worstofall Design where\\xa0they build "Badass Brands\\xa0without the BS" for 1-3\\xa0person service businesses\\xa0in 1-3 day intensives. She\\xa0is a Forbes contributor\\xa0and has spoken at a\\xa0host of entrepreneurial\\xa0organizations including\\xa0Goldman Sach\'s 10,000\\xa0Small Businesses and the\\xa0Million Dollar Women\\u2019s\\xa0Summit and has been\\xa0featured on MSNBC\\u2019s Your\\xa0Business. Her company\\xa0was named top "10 Design\\xa0Firms Lead By Young People\\xa0That Are Changing the Way\\xa0We Look at the World" by\\xa0Complex, and her book Badass\\xa0Your Brand: Impatient\\xa0Entrepreneur\\u2019s Guide to\\xa0Turning Expertise into Profit\\xa0launched March 16th, 2017. As she says "Badass Brands w/out the BS. We work with service based business owners in intensive Brandup sessions and execute the strategy and build out your entire brand-- positioning, messaging, logo, copy, website, materials-- in 1-3 days so you can get back to work. Because who has 6 months to redo their website anyway? For solopreneurs who need the whole shabang but don\'t have $50k to invest yet, we built a Brandup Bootcamp to take you through our exact process at a fraction of the cost. Now that is the official stuff about todays guest, but the real story isn\'t about where she is now rocking and rolling and loving life. The real story was the climb into stress, financial difficulties and the realisation that scale, and premium products were the key to her future. Being able to charge premium prices to less people has been the gamechanger to her and her partners day to day running of their company whilst making her business as lean as possible. Now she is gaining more and more exposure, loving life, and as you will read in her book (as we will discuss in today\'s show) she is shining the way for others to learn from her mistakes and live a life on their own terms by following her practical sensible advice. So does she see others making the same mistakes as she did, and smack her head with a "Doh!" and think "Man its so obvious that just cant see it?" And where does she find the motivation to keep growing, when things are already pretty good as they are? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Pia Silva. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Pia Silva such as: How she has built an amazing business that is lead by her lifestyle. If she wants to close up shop she does, with no clients wanting access to her. That is very unique and powerful. Why she believes that most businesses would be in a better position by turning people away as clients instead of jumping into bed with them. Pia explains why most people make a mess of their branding by confusing the message that they are sending out to the world. and lastly\\u2026. Pia shares the dark times in her life when she was heavily in debt and now looks as it just a phase that she had to go through to get where she is today.'