Boxing Clever - Olympic Champion Daniel Hayes

Published: Jan. 15, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is a top ranked boxing prospect and also Trinidad & Tobago\\u2019s boxing ambassador. He is also is a sought after model who has been photographed around the world since the age of 17. And when you see the photos ladies (and of course men too) that fact doesn\\u2019t come as a surprise What does come as a surprise though, is this guy, with a highly tuned competitive streak was so obviously looking for the non-obvious route that could fulfil his dreams. Growing up he was involved in a variety of sports. He loved soccer, basketball, football, baseball and swimming and at just 10 years old started playing basketball and continued playing throughout college. At 16 he was already a certified lifeguard and a highly recruited athlete in multiple sports. In his senior year of high school he was recruited to play basketball for several NCAA Division 1 and 2 schools. Now this is when one of the big twists occured in his life, or as we say he hit one of his big dots. College proved to be quite a defining time for him, he started as a Kinesiology major, but after just one single acting course, he found that he had discovered his love and passion for acting and switched his major to Theatre. It wasn\\u2019t long after this revelation that the acting gigs began pouring in. He landed his first commercial and this was quickly followed by a well-known television ad with Nike. Now he could have said \\u201cThis is easy\\u201d and coasted a bit, but instead he set out to become the very best that he can be in this new found arena. He started defining his craft, by studying at The Second City and Groundlings, schools who boast of alumni including Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogan and Steve Carell. He added to his training by studying at The Ivana Chubbuck Studio that has trained Hollywood\\u2019s elite such as Halle Berry, Brad Pitt, Terence Howard and more. He knew if he was going to be the best he had to surround himself with the best that Hollywood can offer. And now away from the acting he is training for the Olympics, and once again surrounds himself with the best by fighting out of the world famous Wild Card Boxing Club, home to superstar world champions. So what has these diverse uses of his time and talents taught him, as he drives forwards with his ambitions? And is better to become very very good at one thing, or be diverse as he has been up to this point? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Daniel Hayes. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Daniel Hayes such as: How \\u201cThe Revenant\\u201dis a truly boring film, no matter how many awards it gains across the film industry\\u2026..but why it has an amazing message for all entrepreneurs too! Why Mike Tyson would always get up at [4:00]am in the morning to go running, because all his competitors are asleep, and the reasons behind the decision to do this. Why being in the flow and present in the moment is the state that we must all aim for no matter what arena we put ourselves\\\\u2019s where the huge wins are found. And lastly\\u2026. Who he would choose to be in later years Mickey Rourke or Leo DiCaprio, and the reasons why he believes that both are masters of their art.'