
Published: April 20, 2016, midnight

b"Todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots has a belief that all of us in life, not least in business, should stop thinking, and start failing. It\\u2019s the belief that unless we throw our plans away, take action, see if it works, and then take more action, that we wont ever get to where we should get in life.. And this is of course the mantra of every episode of Join Up Dots, evidenced by the words of the late Steve Jobs. Like so many of us he started his adult life pursuing an education that appears on the outside to have little to do with what he is doing now. Spending 4 years studying a masters degree in Chemistry at London\\u2019s Imperial College, he then followed the herd to a corporate job that he felt little connection to. He joined Ernst and Young the auditing company as a consultant and spent time training university students, and developing a skills programme for new graduates. Before moving onto Accenture in London and doing two more years, before saying enough is enough and taking the leap of faith. And this is the fascinating part of his story. As after spending almost three years \\u201cworking\\u201d on outsourcing projects for two of the world\\u2019s largest professional service firms, life was beginning to develop a somewhat monotonous rhythm, with one of the only salvations being the occasional travel opportunities to large outsourcing centres in India. So harnessing a desire to be independent, and to have an impact and with knowledge from the best outsourcers in the world, he decided to go his own way and start a small outsourcing service company. With the help of a number of enthusiastic and extremely reliable Virtual Assistants, he set up the infrastructure and started providing an outsourcing service to startups and small businesses around Europe. He took the experiences gained from his past, and brought them all together to build something valuable to the world and of course himself. And now with appearances on Dragons Den, his own top ranked podcast 0 \\u2013 $4, million, and a day to day hustle he is making his mark on the world. So the question is, how did he know it was the time to take the risk and start going alone? And does he now look back an realise that life is more about the failures than the successes? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only startup entrepreneur Mr Tom Hunt To hear more from Tom Hunt go to: Podcast:\\xa00-$4 Million: A Startups Bootstrapped Journey To A Seven Figure Exit 0-$4 Million: A Startups Bootstrapped Journey To A Seven Figure Exit tracks the Virtual Team Building Platform: Virtual Valley in it's journey from idea to fully fledged online marketplace. Each weekday, we post a 10 minute episode that will provide and update on our key metrics, will discuss an obstacle we have faced, how you can overcome this obstacle in your startup AND we wi ll share one key resource that has added value to our journey."