Book Publishing

Published: Jan. 8, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady who is a master at book publishing, and helping the world with their own book publishing. She is a lady who is was born in\\xa0 New York and now lives and works from her present home in the United Kingdom and as far as i can see never stops smiling. She is the founder & CEO of The Book Midwife\\xae and Panoma Press, a cooperative publishing house for business and personal development authors. Which means that if you want to be an author, and get to the top of the charts then this lady is the place to go. Or perhaps you are in the process of writing a book and are struggling to get words onto the page. You are walking around, not shaving, wearing your dressing gown for days on end, blaming writers block for your distress. Well she can blow these issues out of the water, as for a start she feels there are no reasons for writers block, she feels its just bad planning. Its what we do before we get truly creative which is the key to everything. And that is what the Book Midwife is about. Along with her team, she can help you give birth to the finished article, and help it get into the hands of the people who need it most by utilising promotion, media appearances and a myriad of other trusted routes to success. With a client base of over 500 published clients its not a surprise that she has now been an international speaker for more than 15 years and has presented to over 10,000 business executives and entrepreneurs in over 10 countries. But did she always want to be in the publishing business, or like many of us did she stumble into it by accident? And what does she feel is the hardest part to anyone, who wants to do as she has and start their own successful business? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start Joining Up Dots with the one and only Mindy Gibbins-Klein \\xa0 Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing\\xa0Book publishing, book publishing'