Bonus - The Race To The White House (The Challenge For Freedom)

Published: July 22, 2015, 11:24 a.m.

b'The Race To The White House (The Challenge For Freedom) is occurring to help you all feel that you can do the impossible. Please watch, listen and share as many times as you feel that my actions can be supported by your own. Thanks!!! [spp-tweet "I support @joinupdot challenge 2 get 2 the @WhiteHouse #freedom #action @BarackObama"] Share On Facebook: Watch and share this guy take on this challenge Do you feel that you can do the impossible? Do you look at others and think they have all the breaks? Well, David Ralph the host of Join Up Dots online podcast, after 400 shows has come to the conclusion that all of us can go after the dream and get the life we want. Its down to four things intent, action, belief and the support of others. In this video he shares his dream to change the way we all think by attempting with nothing more than desire to do the unthinkable. He will travel across the Atlantic with his family to the White House to have a photo with President Obama. He will do this purely on the strength of his belief, something that we can all develop. So support his desire to change the world, and share this video with everyone you can. Tell the world about Join Up Dots and tweet your support to the world. Thanks so much'