Bonus Podcast: The Two x Two Red Paperclip Experiment

Published: Sept. 19, 2015, midnight

b'Hello there and welcome to a bonus edition of Join Up Dots. Have you ever looked at things that you can do in your lives easily, and think what\'s the point in taking time to do them? Such small insignificant actions\\xa0that appears to\\xa0not make any difference at all to the big picture? Well most people think that way, which is why they are reluctantly content to stay in their current situations. Unless they get instant gratification for their actions, then they fail to grasp the simple fact, that all these small actions add up to something amazing. Learn to cook over a period of time, by learning about the oven, food, and cutting devices and you never go hungry. Simply keep throwing \\xa0packages into the microwave eating happily, until you get a power cut and then what are you going to do? It\'s the small actions that make the difference. Well in today\'s episode of Join Up Dots, David Ralph lays down a challenge to all his listeners to take such a small action that on it\'s own it wont make any difference. But the compound effect is huge, and best of all everyone of you reading this can do the same and join in. He was inspired by reading the story of Kyle Macdonald, who went on an epic adventure swapping items to see how much value he could gain each time. Starting with just a red paper-clip, he travelled the globe until someone was willing to swap a house\\xa0with him.\\xa0Amazing. He was also inspired by the many people who have started with 1 penny, and doubled it in just 28 steps to over \\xa31,000,000....equally amazing. The true inspiration being that these people believed in the impossible. They could see that these small steps all add up, unlike the\\xa0majority of the world who will look at the penny and say...."What\'s the point it\'s only 1 penny". However action takers will say that it\'s actually 1/28th of a million dollars. Totally different mindset. So in today episode he has simply asked everyone of his listeners to go out and tell two people about the show, and ask them to listen. If they like the show then he would like the two additional listeners to tell two people. Nothing huge, but the start of a world changing compound effect. Will\\xa0they do it, or think what\'s the point? Will they head to the instant gratification of a tweet, FB post or other form of social media\\xa0and fail to tell anyone, as\\xa0they won\'t be able to see the results of their actions straight away? Well, if they do share in twenty eight days it would be possible to have over 1,600,000 new listeners starting from just one pair of ears. A total movement being created in less than a month. Once again amazing. So today instead of just doing what needs to be done in your life, have a thought about what would happen if you look for the compound effect in your actions. Where could you be in 28 days, by working on a series of small actions leading to a big dream? Well, you could be a millionaire for a start, which would at least make you extremely popular with opposite sex. \\xa0 And that is a dream worth having I would have thought!'