Bonus Podcast: Investing In Yourself - Starting The Dream

Published: Aug. 19, 2015, 7:53 p.m.

b"If you have listened to todays bonus episode you will have heard the host David Ralph talk about how he has changed his life by investing heavily in areas that he lacked. Back on episode 400, he released a Bonus episode talking about how he was struggling to achieve the goal on a few things that he was working on. He had the dream, but couldn't quite bring it to the finishing line. So he had a decision to make. Should he consider his actions to be a failure or should he look to improve the areas where he was lacking? Well he spent $10,000 dollars on hiring coaches that he believed would share with him their areas of expertise, and whooshhhh! He has joined up his dots and found the answers to the problems that he was dealing with. And now he wants to share this with you all. Therefore he has opened the doors on Podcasters Mastery and his group Mastermind Dream Starters Academy for one hundred people only and is now ready to rock. So if you are interested in starting your own business, living the dream-life, and sacking your boss then there is no better time to join up with us. Just go over to the site \\xa0\\xa0 and add PROMOCODE: f74dfae943 for the huge discount THIS OFFER WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR TWO DAYS FROM THE LAUNCH OF THIS PRODUCT"