Bonus - Miniature Ponies And Native Sharks

Published: Oct. 4, 2015, 7:03 a.m.

b"In today's episode of Join Up Dots, David Ralph shares a little about what has been going on in the show over the last week, and also answers a great email from a listener in New Zealand. It has been a strange week in the land of Join Up Dots with huge highs and lows. The week started by hitting the highest of highs\\xa0by almost getting a clean sweep on Itunes and becoming the number one show in three categories. Yes, Business, Education, and Health was ours to look down on. The big boys were trailing in our wake, which was a delight to behold and another step forward for the show. But then he was hit by sickness and literally crawled from the microphone to his bed for a few days. But did he look at this as a huge blow and disappointment or an another situation to find a positive? Well you will find out during the show So let's start with today's email.....which is a good one\\xa0 Hello David I'm not sure what I am really writing here, but I just felt drawn to drop you a line to say first of all thank you so much for creating the show Join Up Dots. \\xa0 I hadn't heard of it until recently, but now I feel like I have a lot to catch up on. \\xa0 One of the things that I would like to know if you could spare the time, and I can only imagine how busy you are, is do you truly know what you are doing is right? \\xa0 You seem to have so much going on, that it makes me wonder is it all right for you, or are you doing stuff because you think it should be done? \\xa0 I\\xa0don't\\xa0know if that makes sense at all, so if it doesn't please ignore this email, but I have a feeling that I would like to start breeding miniature ponies as I have always loved them since a kid, but can't\\xa0convince myself that their is a business there. \\xa0 So should I just do stuff close to this passion, or dive right in. \\xa0 Should I just do stuff to earn money so I can leave my job that I hate? \\xa0 Any advice you can give would be gratefully received. \\xa0 Claire Mallion Palmerston North New Zealand"