Bobby Gill: A Man Who Starts Everyday On One Weetabix, But Fuels The World With His Passion For Apps And Everything Mobile

Published: June 25, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who since 2001 has had a fascination with coding and technology.Starting work as a QA Engineer for a company, which he quite readily admits that I cant find the right words that could do any justice to my time here.5 or 10 lines of blank text should more than suffice.he moved steadily though a series of positions that filled his days with programming, and more than a bit of messing around.One company paid him, whilst he joined a gang of eager programmers and developers to work on a slime basketball game\\u2026.ok they didn\\u2019t know they were paying him to do this, but hey more fool them, they should have managed a little bit closer I think.But when Microsoft took a chance on him, then things started getting serious, and he realised that the time of playing was coming to an end.Whizz forward a few years, and he is now the founder of Blue Label Labs, a New York based mobile design and development lab for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. So how has he done this?How did he take the leap of faith that allowed him to leave the corporate environment as an employee, and build his own business (one not focused on slime basketball I can only imagine)Well lets find out as we invite onto the show to start joining up the dots of his life, the one and only Bobby Gill.'