
Published: Sept. 17, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has stumbled into the entrepreneurial world. She is the owner of Ash Said It LLC, which is a full service public speaking boutique, hosting receptions, fashion expos as well as upscale soir\\xe9es. Which sounds great, but its the joining up the dots which is the most important part of this show. So how did the ex-military lady transition from Uncle Sam to Fashion Avenue? Well as she says \\u201cI had no plans to build a company. The thought never even crossed my mind. The past few years have been tough. I took care of my mom for 3+ years, and being a full time caregiver is a lot, although I would easily do it again. My mother never taught me how to be a lady. She showed me through her actions. She never let anyone take advantage of her meek yet resilient spirit. Thank God I inherited that spark! I buried my mom in 2014, which was the most difficult thing I\\u2019ve ever done in my entire existence. I was lost. My heart was no longer in military service. I needed to leave but I had no blueprint on where to go. I did many odd jobs that year. Helped build multiple brands & had nothing to show for it. Then one day a light bulb went off in my head. Why the heck am I wasting time helping people disinterested in helping themselves? Why don\\u2019t I pour my 13+ years of industry experience into something I can call my own. That\\u2019s when Ash Said It was born! And at that point we will start the show, as it is a moment that every one of our guests have hit in their own lives. That moment when they realise that their life is their own, and everything they do should be on their own terms. It\\u2019s the responsibility to create their own future. So how did she move from this idea of creating her business, to actually earning her first dollars and attracting her first clients? And looking back on it all, has it been harder than she could have imagined or simply a dream from start to finish. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Ash Brown'