
Published: Nov. 14, 2018, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the show is a 34 year old, husband, father of 3, engineer, sports fan and huge geek when it to comes to automating and outsourcing any activity. He is the co-founder of adbank network - a powerful online ad platform built on the blockchain, as well as co-founding a successful digital asset acquisition firm that controls over 6000 websites generating 6 figures a month. As he says "I am no genius, I\\xa0HAVE NOT\\xa0found a\\xa0loop hole on the internet that lets anyone get rich quick, I have\\xa0not\\xa0quit my job\\xa0but\\xa0because of my online income I am able to live the way I want to and have a level of security for my family a job today cannot provide. Unfortunately, I can\\u2019t say that making money from websites is easy but through my ventures I hope to show you that without a doubt it is possible and with hard work most people that commit themselves can do it. For the last 5 years I have built up over 150 websites and use these to generate passive income, I am not an online guru I am just someone who has tried and tested many different methods. I am willing to test any system as long as it stays aligned with my online business cornerstone beliefs. My Internet Marketing Beliefs\\u2026 Always add value Google wants to deliver the \\u201cbest\\u201d result so be the \\u201cbest\\u201d A website visitor is a renewable resource to be cultivated not something to be mined once,\\xa0 enjoy what you do online. Many people may disagree with my beliefs and suggest there is a faster way to make money online. They may be right, but what our guest is doing is building businesses that operate the way that the search engines want. Building relationships, by nurturing those relationships. Not chasing some get rich quick scheme, that fades as soon as the big boys realise someone is gaming the system. So how did he develop his internet marketing beliefs, through building businesses that dropped like a stone, or simply by understanding what GOOGLE is aiming for? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Jon Gillham. Show Highlights We discussed so many deep subjects on the show such as: Jon talks about the shortcuts routes that he took for business that all led to failure before he realised that real work was needed to make the success he wanted. We discuss the blockchain strategy that is creating a completely new and exciting way for businesses to start operating across the world. And lastly........... Jon shares the discussion that he had with his parents, and friends who considered his route to success to be somewhat risky.'