Being Boss

Published: July 17, 2017, midnight

b'Being boss and an entrepreneur, when you are a lady is sometimes hard, especially when you have children and stuff. However my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the CEO and Founder of Boss Mom, entrepreneur Dan Malstaff. She is a mother, author, business strategist, podcaster, blind spot reducer, and movement maker. She is the author of Boss Mom: The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Business & Nurturing Your Family Like a Pro, and with over 9,000 students in various courses and over 10 years of experience in content creation, community building, and business strategy, she grew the Boss Mom brand into a six figure business in less than a year. But was this always a success that was on the cards, or did she go through the same struggles, guilt and burnout that most new entrepreneurs find themselves in as there fledgling business grows and they become boss. Well certainly the life of a thriving entrepreneur certainly didn\'t seem on the cards as she pursued her education both in Dijon in France and the Indiana University where she studied Broadcast Journalism. Instead upon completing her studies, she entering employment with the Lowdendal Group, and Quantum Of Health, but it wasn\'t until she quit her job and got pregnant that the first dots of what has become today\'s mission really raised themselves. How do you build a business, whilst supporting a new baby? How do you build a business, whilst being a wife, lover, friend, best friend, and all the other hats that ladies wear nowadays? With the "Why cant we have our cake and eat it" ideology, Boss Mom was created to do two things. First, to help dramatically shift the mindset of ladies across the world in how they see themselves, and your role as a mother, entrepreneur, wife, daughter, friend and more. An epic shift that will allow them to see how they can be amazing in each of these roles without sacrificing the others. And second, to guide them through a new way of thinking about how they integrate their family life with their entrepreneurial life. Giving a plan that can be implemented that will make her clients world feel a little easier. So would she say that she was a reluctant entrepreneur or one that was always waiting to go out and blaze big across the world? And what would be the biggest learning she has gained from growing a business from scratch? Well lets find out as bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Dana Malstaff Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Dana Malstaff such as: How how she created a business that she loves and wakes up every morning, due to the people that she has hired or work with., Why Dana believes that accepting the rough times in one life on the way to becoming the boss, is a great way of finding the things that you truly love. You need the crap to really heighten your focus on the gold. Why you should never do things in your life that mean you are losing money. Delegate as much as you can, so you can earn the big stuff. and lastly\\u2026. Why its a great idea to get drunk in a pub, with a recorder and ask the big questions in life. You will be astonished to see how much truth comes out when you listen back to it all.\\xa0 Check her out at Boss Mom. com where female\\xa0entrepreneurs thrive'