Being A Solopreneur Can Be Crap

Published: July 13, 2018, midnight

b"Being A Solopreneur Can Be Crap, and in today's\\xa0show David Ralph talks about the difference of working in corporate\\xa0land and the life of the solopreneur. Everyday we talk about taking your life to the next level, taking control and building your own business. It's brilliant. It's Fun. And we wouldn't do anything else even if you paid us a million pounds a second. Well, actually if you are paying that amount of cash we will do that...but only for a minute and no more no matter how much you pay us. But what happens when its not good, you are ill, and things aren't going the way you want then what then? Well this is the dark side of being a solopreneur, and more often than not you haven't got another way out. You just simply have to suck it up and keep on working and delivering what you have promised you would deliver to your clients. Very different to being in corporate land and working for the man. Then you can simply phone up, cough and splutter down the phone and leave it all behind for a day watching Netflix. So how do you do the same in your own business? Is it possible to do? Well, we actually dont think it is, no matter how much people tell you that they can do such a thing. You have to be involved as it is your business, and especially if it is a business that you are the face off. They need you, they deserve you, and god knows they are going to get you. So in todays show David Ralph talks about his own struggles with sickness, and why he still has to soldier on to make it all work for him. As we say, sometimes being a solopreneur can be crap."