Becoming A Publicity Master

Published: July 5, 2021, midnight

b"Victoria Kennedy is the CEO of Victorious PR, a media agency that helps Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Brokerages, Mortgage Companies, and Solar Businesses get featured in industry-specific publications, local press, podcasts, and top publications to be seen as Industry Leaders in their fields. Getting yourself noticed is harder and harder nowadays, as there is so much noise out there. So much content being created by eager and hardworking entrepreneurs. So what makes someone stop and think that they can bring something different to the industry? How The Dots Joined Up For Victoria Now this is a story that is pure hustle and drive, as our guest didn't start her business with a successful or rich parent as a support. Our guest started her life as she was extremely poor, and was surrounded by all the doubts and imposter syndrome conditioning that could have knocked her off track. It didn't stop her however and now she is becoming the go to person to help companies and individuals leverage digital PR to not only increase their visibility but also directly grow their revenue. Victoria has been featured in over 200 publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Yahoo Finance, TV & radio stations, and the TEDx stage. So why PR and what made her think that she could bring something new to the game? And where do people go wrong with trying to get themselves onto podcasts and into publication? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Victoria Kennedy. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Victoria Kennedy such as:\\xa0 Victoria shares how the number one priority for any entrepreneur is to be the key authority in the niche. If you cant be then create a new niche. Why people truly need to get down into the nitty gritty of their hero story to start gaining the exposure that they want.. Victoria talks about the adjacent possible that makes all things possible if you only look closely enough. and lastly......... She shares a fascinating story of cancel culture and what she believes will be the change heading our way shortly."