Becoming A Coach (BUSINESS)

Published: Jan. 16, 2019, 9 a.m.

b'Becoming A Coach An Travelling The World Could Be Your Dream Job, But How Can You Make It Happen? My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who is the type of guest that i love having on the show. She has gone through the journey of crap, anxiety and ultimately finding the thing that she was placed on this world to do and now is rocking it bigtime. She loves helping people change their lives, but not in a normal life coach type of way of \\u201cLets get your head into the game and then life will be good\\u201d Instead as she says \\u201d Im just a girl from the Midlands in the UK, an ordinary girl achieving extraordinary things. I believe every woman, regardless of background, experience or personality type can be financially free and in control of their life. I believe this because if I can, then anyone can! My mission is to help women all over the world to enhance their income, change their relationship with money and reach levels of success they never thought possible. I am committed to making YOU one of my many success stories! Now just three years ago, she wouldnt have been so positive as life was very different then As she says \\u201cAlthough I worked extremely hard in my career, I still got to the end of the month only to realise I had overspent and could nearly afford to pay my phone bill. I realised I was not equipped with the right mindset to stay motivated and make savvy financial choices, I also needed an education in how to make more money and invest my time and resources wisely. I have transitioned from a job into running my own business thinking that would solve my problems but I still didn\\u2019t know what steps I needed to take to create the life I really desired. I felt confused and anxious all of the time, the hard work and little results was killing my motivation. And then just over three years ago I had a major breakthrough. I discovered the world of self development and realised that for my whole life I had been studying the wrong thing. I had been working hard at trying to earn more instead trying to be more and think differently. I can now see that all of my financial struggle and mindset battles had a purpose \\u2013 because now I know the difference between what works and what doesn\\u2019t when it comes to money, and I\\u2019m able to help you. And that is where we will bring her onto the show, by starting todays episode. So does she look back and think \\u201cI could have done this earlier\\u201d or did she need to go through the pain to be at the right point to make it happen? And where do people go wrong? Is it mindset or talent? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Michelle Stonhill Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Michelle Stonhill such as: Why life is very much about travel today, leading to Michelle revealing how all her decisions are taken to now place her in the position to travel with her business. Michelle shares the three P\\u2019s of business, and explains why the personal approach to business more often than not overlooked. Michelle shares how she struggles with what she calls \\u201cfog in her business\\u201d, and needs to separate herself from her work to gain the clarity that she needs. Michelle discusses how she creates two distinct avatars to base her whole business around. One that is the the person starting out and the second where they want to be. and lastly\\u2026. Why Michelle reflect on the two male influences in her life as in many ways holding back from the future that is now hers to savour.'