Become An Entrepreneur

Published: Jan. 8, 2018, midnight

b'So many people want to become an entrepreneur but where do you start? Well my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a uk guy who knows more than most what it takes to get something off the ground, and become a success. He\\xa0author of the book series, The Law Of Business, a book series highlighting the skills needed to make a business successful, whilst also running a podcast of the same name. But why I wanted to have him on the show was to highlight the guys at all levels of building their dream businesses. As he says "My entrepreneur story started when I went to an event in oxford circus hosted by an American singer called Napoleon, an affiliate of Tupac Shakur." And that start is more than good enough to think....these are dots that need to be joined up. Anyway, he was\\xa0was telling us his story and all the things he did etc, at the end of the event I started thinking, this man is not much older than me and he has done so much with his life. It was wake up time, and that\'s when I said I need to achieve something big in life, to free myself from the supermarket life i was living at the time.\\xa0 I went home and while on my bed I was thinking of the things I could do, I said to myself, I can\'t be a doctor, I can\'t be a football player, then Bill Gates came on my mind, and that\'s when I wanted to be an entrepreneur or inventor. \\xa0 And that\'s when my journey begun. That free event completely changed my mindset and I haven\'t gone back to the employee and average living mindset ever since, I always think big now. \\xa0 In 2011 I had a language learning website called "Foreigntalk" but i took that down in 2012 because i knew nothing about marketing and sales, I was getting members but didn\'t know how to monetize from it.\\xa0 \\xa0 I got into internet marketing by first doing network marketing than I worked on some advertising websites, then I started my own ad website and now I am working on the law of business, my book series and making online courses about business and personal development as well.\\xa0 \\xa0 So this is going to be such an interesting story, as it touches on so many areas that trip others up as they work on the life they want. \\xa0 So why is it that people manage to create a traffic source, but then fail to monetize it? \\xa0 Is it that they create a business that doesn\'t solve others problems, or actually creates more problems for themselves? \\xa0 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jamil Jama. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jamil Jama\\xa0such as: How Jamil is never happy re the amount of work that he gets done, and often gets told by his friends to calm down and look after is health Jamil shares how he has developed his time management system, to ensure he gets masses done every single day. This is something we can all use. We talk about and how useful it is to surround yourself with like minded individuals who understand what you are going through in life. and lastly\\u2026. Jamil talks openly about his belief in self development, and why its the stories he hears that make such a huge difference to his life.'