Be Real And Pay That Bill

Published: Aug. 12, 2020, 10:30 a.m.

b"Building A Dream Job Building A Dream Job Isn't Really Possible is the discussion on today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs\\xa0inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. This has been inspired by a message that we recieved into the Join Up Dots email inbox from a great guy from Denver Colorado. Lukas has been in contact with us over the last few years, as he looks to keep building a dream job around photography - his huge passion. His question is based around the concept of do you keep building a dream job and struggle in the beginning, or do something else to make it easier to get there later? The Building A Dream Job Question Hi David, I hope life is treating you well. I\\u2019ve started an electrical business and I\\u2019ve been focusing more on that lately then my passion of being a photographer. I still do photography, but the electrical business is way more lucrative. I don\\u2019t hate electrical work, but I also don\\u2019t love it. My question is, should I build the electrical company so I can do amazing things in the future or should I struggle in the beginning and do what I love? Our\\xa0Building A Dream Job Answer \\xa0I can answer this one hundred percent.......bring in the money mate. Be pragmatic about it. You see nobody ends up having a business that they truly love. I used to think that was the case, but now I see it otherwise otherwise it would be called a hobby. With Join Up Dots i would say there is seventy percent that I love and thirty percent that is a hassle. But it is as it is. What it does give me is 1: no boss, 2: no fixed timescales 3: the ability to travel when and where i want. I actually found a vision board that I created six years ago, and i forgot about it, and I had achieved everything i wanted and they were all based around being free, not being told what to do etc So i would say think this...... can YOU build the electrical company until you become the OWNER and not working in the business? If you can ( and i know you can) then you have income coming in passively which means then you can do what you want to do. For example, I now own a car parts shop and Im having to work in it three days per week UNTIL i get the issues sorted and we start making good money and then I am out of here....but the money will be coming with me Does that make sense pal??? Summary So what do you think? Is this the right way to go? Should we spend our time doing anything that we dont like in life, if it makes the majority of our time amazing? Let us know by connecting with us below and you can help others move forward to building a dream job, and of course a life. How To Connect With Join Up Dots Website LinkedIn Facebook Return To The Top Of Building A Dream Job If you enjoyed this episode with Building A Dream Job, why not check out other inspirational chat with Caroline Casey,\\xa0Festival Pass, Shane Foss\\xa0and the amazing Jack Canfield You can also check our extensive podcast archive by\\xa0clicking here\\xa0\\u2013 enjoy"