Published: June 4, 2018, midnight

b"How Do You Give B2B The Real Human Touch? Hire Robin Waite For Sure My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who from 18 years old until 22 worked as a systems analyst for a medical\\xa0device company. Putting systems into play, he increased efficiency and\\xa0decreased cost, helping to make the company 50% more profitable. For the next he\\xa0ran a successful design and advertising company, serving over\\xa0250 clients, where he delivered workshops and masterclasses to over 1,000 business owners on subjects including marketing, product architecture, pricing, websites\\xa0and more. Now he coaches B2B business leaders and entrepreneurs, offering insights\\xa0from systems to pricing structure to personal development. With fearless goal\\xa0setting and accountability,\\xa0 his program is turning dreams into reality for\\xa0clients around the world. Well that sounds pretty standard to what most people who want to come onto Join Up Dots offer to me, but there was one sentence on his website that made me sit up and take notice. What does a business coach look like to you? Slick, sharp suited, maybe a little flash? That\\u2019s not my style. I believe that what you say is more important than how you dress \\u2013 and I\\u2019m more interested in delivering real results than impressing you with my image. And so i looked again, and realised that this was man standing in front of his audience in t-shirt and jeans. This was a man doing things his way, and in a way that would bring more and more results into his business. He was being authentic and the person that he wanted to be. So was there once a slick, sharp suited version of todays guest, trying to find his way to his authentic self? And if it's a truth that the quickest way to success is niching down tighter and tighter, where is his target customer sitting waiting for him? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Robin Waite. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Robin Waite\\xa0such as: Robin shares how he grew into the confidence level that was required for his business. It wasn't something that he was born with, but closely developed over time. We discuss why some customers wont understand that they shouldn't buy your products, but its so important to stand your ground and give them what they really need. Robin discusses his five key sectors of business focus, and how this has given him a great platform to create business success. and lastly\\u2026. Robin opens up and tells a life changing story that will inspire everybody who listens to this show. What would you do if you realised you didn't want to life the same life anymore.?"