As Told By Nomads Host Tayo Rockson Is Changing The World By Educating Differently

Published: Feb. 8, 2016, midnight

b"My guest entrepreneur today following the words of Steve Jobs, on the top rated Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the host of the As Told By Nomads podcast, and a man who has been on the show once before, and to be honest he was so good that it is a crime that he hasn\\u2019t been on since. So what can we tell you about him? Well this guy is pure motivation from the moment he wakes up to the moment he closes his eyes, exhausted at the end of the day. He doesnt just have one career, but is dealing with so many jobs at one time its amazing. He has a dream to not just improve his lot, or that of his clients, but he is taking on the world. He wants to bring the four corners of the globe together to provide the education that will teach people to accept our differences, both physically and culturally. Growing up in Sweden, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Vietnam and the United States, he considers himself a true citizen of the world. He wants to celebrate uniqueness and encourage diversity, build global mind-sets, tell stories about culture and most importantly to educate the world about the beauty in all of us and how we can work together to improve our global identities. And quiet simply when he was first on the show, you could sense the desire to get out there and do it. But now he is doing it. Really, really doing it. And building greater and greater success in his life. If you want an hour of inspirational content, to kick start your own career then let's bring this introduction to a halt, and\\xa0find out since our first chat what has been creating the greatest satisfaction in his life? And would he change things if he went back in time, or just move like a twig on the mighty stream of life? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots on today's inspiration packed podcast interview with the one and only super entrepreneur himself Mr Tayo Rockson. To find out more about Tayo Rockson go to: Podcast: As Told By Nomads Description:\\xa0As Told By Nomads features interviews with global nomads, Third Culture Kids, and entrepreneurs discussing what it takes to be global leaders."