America's Best Boss

Published: June 14, 2021, midnight

b'Stephan Aarstol is today guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a Shark Tank Winner and CEO of Tower (where Mark Cuban is an investor), Stephan\\xa0Aarstol\\xa0is also the inventor of the 5-hour workday, an initiative he started in 2015 to challenge long held delusions about unhealthy start-up work culture.\\xa0 Stephan moved his whole company to a 5-hour workday, and yes we mean his whole company not just the directors and would later write a book, The Five Hour Workday about the experience. Now you might be thinking "wow this is amazing my company would never do this" Well there was a time when our guest might have been thinking that he wished he hadn\'t.'