American Hustle

Published: Aug. 28, 2017, midnight

b'American Hustle is our discussion today with young entrepreneur Christian Arriola. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man who is on a mission to inspire the world to flex the old hustle muscle and create a life of their dreams. And if you have listened to the very first episodes of Join Up Dots you will remember that I had a very similar outlook to life. But do you need to hustle, or is it more about doing the right things, at the right time in a simplified manner? Well, todays guest is certainly hustling and also doing the right things at the right time, so he is well and truly on his way As he says \\u201cMy entrepreneurial story began when I discovered that you could buy things for cheap and resell them for 10x\\u2026 That\\u2019s how I started selling ice sticks when I was 8 years old in my neighborhood. I remember buying those ice sticks for $.05 cents a piece and selling them for a full $1! Believe it or not, I would sell anywhere from $40-$80 dlls in a single day. (Might not sound much to you, but for an 8 year old was definitely A FORTUNE!) After that, I\\u2019ve been jumping from business to business, tried all different industries I could, tested products in different niches, all trying to find what would really make me happy. And for many years, I\\u2019ve been focusing on how to generate more money. All my decisions have been based on increasing my income no matter what. However, I now feel I took the wrong approach to success\\u2026 After a crazy 18-hr drive on a solo adventure road trip I did recently, I came to realize that there was a much easier and better way for me to succeed: To do what makes me happy and stop chasing the money, as money WILL CHASE ME! The result of this trip and of all the hours I meditated while looking at The Golden Bridge is me creating The Hustle Show, where I want to motivate 100s of entrepreneurs every week and to show the world that even though entrepreneurship is pretty damn harsh and cruel, it\\u2019s also extremely comforting.\\u201d So from his entrepreneurial beginnings offering the world sexy lingerie to bring the spark back into their marriages, what made him pivot to where he is today? And is success based on doing what you love, or providing to the world what they love instead? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Christian Arriola Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Christian Arriola such as: Christian shares how he struggled to believe in himself when younger, even though he looks back and realises much of it was just excuses. We discuss how much of the information that we see on line (especially FB and social media) is simply fake news, and why you MUST connect with people offline to get the real story. Why it is so important to know what your \\u201cown personal competition\\u201d is to benchmark your progress. Are you a better person than the day before is as good as you can hope for, and then work from that point. and lastly\\u2026. Christian reveals how he found himself in a dark mindset in his life, and the steps he took to climb out of the hole.'