Amazon Selling

Published: Feb. 18, 2018, midnight

b'How Do create A Business By Selling On Amazon? Well The Amazon Selling King Shows How My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who without a doubt can call himself a serial entrepreneur. He has built several multi-million dollar companies in both Australia and the United States, and really doesn\\u2019t look like he is slowing down in the regard to creating his own destiny. In 2005 he co-founded one of the first crowdfunding platforms in the world which went on to raise in excess of $100M dollars for start-ups and early stage businesses. He currently owns a cloud software business, an Amazon review company (based in Florida), a home-wares company that sells its products exclusively through Amazon into 8 countries, and Reliable Education. None of his companies have outside investors and all are profitable. But what is super interesting to me is how he has created businesses in environments that we all hang around in, and almost take for granted. Such as in 2012, he learned about the opportunity to sell on Amazon through a friend. Now like all of us, he was used to seeing Amazon boxes all over town and he was a big user of Amazon himself. But it wasn\\u2019t until he took a course that he learned that anybody could sell on Amazon, and that Amazon would handle all of the warehousing and shipping for him. Once he understood that, he soon launched his own brand which now sells in 8 Amazon marketplaces around the world. So how does he see these things, when so many people will just walk past them time and time again and never think \\u201cWow what an opportunity!\\u201d? And does he feel that anyone can do these kind of things, or to become a serial entrepreneur, do you require special talents and skills that are god given at birth? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Adam Hudson.'