Alfie Best: The Gypsy Millionaire

Published: Jan. 29, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots entrepreneur podcast interview is Alfie Best, a man who has made a huge success of finding the potential in areas he has knowledge in and then working really hard to make it all come together. He is a successful entrepreneur driven by tenacity. With humble origins, born and raised in a Romany Gypsy family, this self-made man studied at \\u201cUniversity of Life\\u201d and started his professional path totally from scratch. However, coming from a poor background and a minority group only gave him even more desire to succeed. As a gypsy, he had to face many obstacles and prejudices but he has never allowed those to ruin his dreams and ambitions or to disrupt his investments into the businesses he operates. Instead, he has taken those negative prejudices and turned them into positives by surrounding himself with a diverse and multicultural team. As he says "My philosophy for good business is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration; my sole focus is to drive the businesses forward without losing sight of the goal. Park homes were my upbringing so it was a natural progression to purchase a mobile home park; from 1 park to more than 40, Wyldecrest Parks has now become the No.1 Park Home Operator in the UK for the retired and semi-retired wishing to enjoy the quiet life and community spirit.\\xa0 And when it\\xa0 comes to seeing the potential in an idea, Alfie Best has a very up and positive outlook for sure.\\xa0 "In my view" he says "there is no such thing as a bad idea, just the ability to drive it forward with a realistic approach." So if there is no such thing as a bad idea, why do so many people fail when it comes to starting a business? And if he looks back at his life has he learnt more from the knocks he has endured or from the\\xa0 Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Alfie Best Show Highlights During the entrepreneur podcast show we had deep hitting conversations with\\xa0Alfie Best around subjects such as: Alfie shares how the competition inspires him everyday to raise his own standards and that of his team. It truly is what lights his fire to find more and more value. We discuss how Jeff Bezos has created Amazon, and why it was nothing spectacular in the beginning but how he of course has hit it out of the park. Alfie Best talks openly regarding why he considers himself to be 99% stupid, and what it has done for his decision making. And lastly We discuss his plans for his business moving forward, and why Alfie Best cant wait to see what is possible in Europe And America.'