Adventure, Travel Tips And A World Of Wonder With Will Hatton The Broke Backpacker

Published: Dec. 7, 2015, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest following the words of Steve Jobs on the Join Up Dots business podcast interview, is one of those guys that I love speaking to as when you first research them you think \\u201cThey are a little bit mad\\u201d And then when you see them describe themselves as \\u201cAn amateur adventurer, digital nomad and travel addict. I like to get muddy, naked and painted.\\u201d you think yeah wasn\\u2019t far wrong. But what makes this entrepreneur guy fascinating to me, is how very easily he could have been living the normal, humdrum lifestyle of so many of us if he had listened to the words of others. But instead he has created a whole lifestyle for himself that is full on motivation and moving everyday towards great success. As he says in his own words \\u201cI first started backpacking when I was eighteen and was instantly hooked by all the inspiring people I met whilst hitching, camping and couch-surfing around Europe. Since then, I have lived in India for a year, worked on bars in Vietnam, herded goats in the Holy Land and conquered the highest navigable pass in the world armed with a poorly drawn map and a packet of ritz crackers. I have survived knife-point robberies in Nepal, guerrilla encounters in Myanmar, motorbike crashes in Vietnam and numerous other mis-adventures. In 2011, I came back to the UK and settled into a job (much to my parents delight!) working for a travel company; I hoped I had found my true calling! Sadly, I spent almost all of my time behind a desk and so I decided to throw it all in, start this blog, and hit the road. And now with thousands of followers actively consuming the tales of adventure and madness everyday, it seems to me that he has now found his true calling. So what was it about ritz crackers and the life on the open road that so appealed in the early days? And by surviving on just $12 dollars a day for over two years, has this been the key to totally immersing yourself into this thing called Planet Earth, that so many of us rarely truly see? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start following the words of Steve Jobs joining up dots, with the one and only entrepreneur Mr Will Hatton'